Hey everyone. I'm still alive. I'm sorry I've been MIA lately. I'm very hard at work. Just to give an update- I am roughly finished with 6 chapters of the novel. It is coming along very well, and I'm working on Chapter 7 now. I anticipate that the book will be somewhere between 24- 30 chapters. I'm studying now to get my certification in Computed Tomography as well as working hard on 3 jobs as an X-ray and MRI technologist to pay for my car repairs and plane tickets to see my parent later this year. I'm also working on getting a magazine review on the album Magnum Opus. I'll post it, along with the interview that I do along with it. It should be interesting. I haven't been interviewed in a long time, and there is a lot to say about the project and what led up to it.
At first, I was a bit disappointed that it took me being a veteran of over 10 years, before I got the approach to doing a project right, but now I think the timing is just right. I sat down thinking the other day about the possibility of being offered a record contract with at major label at this stage of the game, and at first I thought I could be too washed up to handle an opportunity like that. But on further review, I think that my long career has been an asset and has prepared me to better handle something like that if it comes, with professionalism and poise. It's like that college athlete who stays until graduation like Eli Manning, or until his junior or senior year, while the media tells him he's wasting precious years in school. But down the line, his life and career are so much better for it in the long run. I don't look at my other 10+ albums as wasted ammo, I look at it now, as extensive practice. And being that this album is the one that really means something grand to me, and was meticulously done, it's actually the one of my albums that I feel comfortable getting reviewed. I know I didn't short change the creation process like I did when I was younger and rash.
Anyway, when I saw the page views, I felt bad that I haven't updated all who have been checking in. I wanted to give a quick update, and say that the novel is coming along well. In fact, it's going according to plan. I want to make a book that isn't just a good read, but also makes your jaw drop at times, makes you cry, makes you think, and most importantly- makes you grow. I'm not mincing words on it, or playing politics. I have to shock myself to shock you, so this will be one to remember. And a key thing is that it draws off of reality and potentiality, so I don't know how many of you are a fan of historical and realistic fiction, but this is a book that will question how you view both, because it isn't just dabbling with ideas, it's exploring new theories as well. I like books like that, and that's what I felt would make the most impact. Thanks for visiting, and stay tuned.