Thursday, December 24, 2015

Venting and Ventures- Couldn't think of any other title....

 I'm so disgusted with society today. Just Monday, there were 6 US soldiers killed in Afganistan, while the US continues to exacerbate the ISIS issue while occupying the region. Yet, while trying to mediate the world, here on American soil, the racist bigots of society still can't get past coexisting with minorities- namely blacks.  Then you have the Sunday game of the Panthers vs. the Giants which you had several brawls in. The thing that sparks the talking among the league, is that gay slurs were thrown at ODB- Odell Beckam Jr. The hits that Odell launched were uncalled for period. Now, former players jump to his defense. There is a backlash over hits like the one he put on Norman's chin being routine pile clearing plays, when that is a lie. I was ashamed to hear Ryan Clark and company talk  like that on Sportscenter. I played the game for years myself, on the semi-pro level, where rule-sets trickle down from the pros, and even there we knew that it is never okay to blindside someone helmet to helmet, while performing a spear move. That is an automatic ejection, even before the rule changes of the last few years.

  The reason that I bring these topics up, is because the priorities of the US are ridiculous. It doesn't really shock me, but it's worth noting. I just brought it to an associate's attention that in today's world, a gay slur is more egregious than a racial one. That's where society is at. Yet they want you to mourn missteps by the government and military in foreign affairs that they have no business litigating. I still walk into establishments today, even in these turbulent times, and see the local racists unable to adapt to a minority having a meaningful presence in any business dealings. There are still people that backwards and stupid, as progressive as this generation claims to be. I contest this still, that how does a country that isn't a country hope to stand up under duress when facing a world war. For years, the answer has been simply money, but this time around that won't suffice. They'll never crack down on terrorism, when they are so focused on maintaining the segregated and fearful atmosphere that's present here today. That's why brother Bashir is knifing you in the side in your shop while you eye and try to sling offenses at me. You get what you deserve.

  This continuing behavior, coupled with the fact that transgender individuals are treated as more sacred than blacks is a small piece of the problem. Mistreatment is never right, but the fact that an entire race is pushed to the bottom of the stack, beneath alternative lifestyles is very telling. People think less today, and when they do, more ridiculously.

  When it comes to my plans, Coming of Age was my best project. It is also probably the last public effort I'll make. It's still going to be available globally, and will be reviewed and publicized, but after this campaign, I'm not doing any more projects. People have no idea how much money and time go into presenting a piece of art to the public, when it comes to an actual artist. The people you respect, like Iggy Azelea, Miley Cyrus, Justin Beiber and Chief Keef, put no real effort into the simplistic stuff they give to you. Yet, you purchase anything they churn out, all off of a name. It's insulting to those of us who slave over our work. People don't even listen to entire works anymore. This generation is all about skipping track to track, content with rubbish and filler tracks from their favorite artists. I'm not trying to bash these performers. Each one has their own thing going, and they have some notable work here and there, but why do the people who give you a single with fillers get more respect than the artists trying to give you complete masterpieces? That's how you choose to spend your money?

  One of the last straws was something I didn't even want to mention, but have to for this post. I let someone older than me, who I respected as an artist and purist, listen to my latest work. I also gave them an early listen to the first Magnum Opus album. They regurgitated the same impression from 2 different works. I told them its 69 minutes long, and to get some time, and space, and turn the bass and volume up. That was my way of hinting to make sure you have time, and don't bother sitting down to listen to the record if you're going to track sift. They claimed to listen to the work, and yet compare it to an end-of-the-club, mellow mix from the 90's. Then they pointed out 1 track that caught their attention. Instantly, I knew that they didn't listen to the entire album. There is no way a person could listen to the entire work, and get that vibe. They also referred to it as mellow, and low tempo, relaxing music. I'm not knocking this person. To be clear, I've got much love for this individual, and respect. It's just in the plane of music, that I draw question marks now.  I'm just saying that it's sad that people's ears for music have been that badly destroyed. They see things in association. Because I'm an instrumentalist and a jazz player, and fan, they immediately associate me with what they think jazz is all the time- mellow. What I mean by that is this- play a track from "A Love Supreme" by Coltrane for the average person. The minute they hear a jazzy sound, or one not familiar to them like the club mixes they listen to, they group it right with Kenny G, assuming that it's the same thing that he does. That's a very revealing issue with the limited ears of today's music listeners. Coming of Age is loaded with energy. Mellow is the last thing it is, but that never gets to the closed ears of today's listeners. Both Magnum Opus albums are heavy on drums, like I always am, and the tempo fast on many of the tracks. But when they here complexity in the notes, and themes, rather than dive into it, they block it off.  I come from the old-school of music. I can listen to  a Schubert or Bach piece right now, and tell you which ones are exciting, and which ones are melancholic. It isn't because I've heard the pieces before. It's because I know what moods in a piece are. They're called motifs. People will play other things, or even television over classical or jazz music, or turn the volume way down, to avoid getting into it, or giving it a stage. I've seen this behavior, and it shows me how desperate they are to cling to their disillusions.

   Apparently I'm alone in this, but I still have a CD player, and a vinyl player. I truly feel the need to give a dedicated listen to a record to enjoy it. I listen from beginning to end. That's the way music used to be played. It used to be about telling a story from beginning to end with the album. But now, when you do that, people will skip through your CD for tracks that remind them of what they usually listen to.  It's only now that you have this sifting through tracks to find one that you want to hear right now, which is usually close to what you choose to always listen to. That's such a childish way of listening to music, and it's become the standard behavior. I actually sort of wish I made the album a literal Concerto like I did with "New Music Eternal Love." Then it would be 1 track only, where you are forced to follow the story. And the thing is that it would have fit. I'm thinking of going back and doing an Opera mix of all the records in the series. I at least have to respect the opinion of the listener that I asked, for saying something in response, because most people are too afraid to try to give an opinion or a listen, because they know they're incapable of forming an opinion of their own.

  It's times like this that I read comments online about how people miss the old days of meaningful music, and I just shake my head and long for the days when I used to collaborate with my musical buddies. I really miss one in particular. He was one of the only people I could show this piece and get true feedback. Everyone else is closed minded and locked into what they have to hate and what they think they love.

  When the review is posted, I'll put a link here, as well as a link to the album, when it is finalized, but as far as ventures, I can't say there is a reason to continue. I feel like Howard Hughes. I feel like Miles Davis, trapped in world that doesn't get it, where I don't belong, except I never got my message fully heard. And it's fine. I couldn't care less. I'll keep conversation and any ideas I have to a minimum, unless it's with those with artistic and open minds.

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