Tuesday, June 6, 2017

New Album- Religion

Hello all. I have been pretty tight lipped about the upcoming works over the last few months. I also had some setbacks where I lost steam artistically. However, I managed to get the latest album completed ahead of schedule. Originally slated for release in December, I present to you the new experimental World Music album- "Religion." This is pretty new for me, and is like a whole different approach to music. I earnestly urge everyone to check this album out on Soundcloud. It will be released on Spotify and Itunes shortly. Reviews are in the works now. It is more of a dance friendly album than I usually make. This didn't result in sacrifice of depth though. This is a record you can play incessantly, as a backdrop record, or methodically for contemplation. Its a fun project, and I think you will hear that. To give an idea of the layout, the album starts where the last 2 albums left off, with an experimental and minimalistic track. This track was the first time I only utilized 2 instruments to develop an intricate arrangement and theme. Then we have a fusion track, which serves as the segue into the main album. After that, things mix up with hip hop oriented track, that helps open the mood up. The groove continues with more rhythm on a funk track. Eventually, things slow down for a minimalist ballad. Then, there is more psychodelic track that establishes an irregular rhythm as a static one, which will surprise the listener. The theme track finishes the album, with a very folk like tune, reminiscent of a European sound. The cool and powerful thing about the title track is that it really embodies the theme. The title track, could pass for a spirited folk tune in Europe, Africa, or the Carribean. And it's actually an interesting story how the track came about, because there was some chance involved. I'll probably explain one day in the future. I took the bulk of time after recording, trying to figure out the playlist order, and tie the theme of the record together. Religion is a loaded word for many people, and a definition that is most times misunderstood. In fact, I still can't really explain how the album ties it together, but the fact is that the definition is moreso commodity of thought in 1 or more individuals. I had to cut a track towards the end, after realizing that it didn't serve the theme. In the end, you can rest assured that I try to give you quality. I took over 2 months, just getting the track list together. Please enjoy.

 This is the cover artwork, and soundcloud link
Religion- Album link

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