Saturday, April 20, 2019

Clarification on Jason K. Addae

 Today my dad told me that the topics I discuss here on my blog and on my podcast, are over the top. In all honesty, I really didn't know he tuned in. Not that I'm being covert, but actually, at this point, I thought the viewership was narrowed down to a specific niche. However, nonetheless, I have to write this to clarify myself, I believe once again.

  To start with, he told me this while admitting he didn't actually listen to or read any of the posts. The thing about me, is that I stated very often on my Magnum Opus project, that I speak in depth about whatever topic I discuss, and I don't speak colloquially often. For the average person to process what I discuss, they have to discard the way they interpret most of their peers. Even when it may seem I am taking sides in a matter or becoming "involved" as some people interpret it, that is not the case. If you listen carefully to may analysis on any topic, be it entertainment or touching on political happenings, I am not speaking in a mundane sense. I'm am correlating it to a bigger point. If I have any opinions, usually it is on a mindstate, and never a social position involving politics.

  Please do not interpret my work or discussions as vulgar or profane, as they are nothing of the sort. Listen or read carefully, and keep in mind that often, what I say has several, or a single, much deeper inference than it would seem if looked at from a colloquial standpoint. It's not to insult the average joe, but I'm not him. And I understand that in recent history, society as a larger and larger whole, tend to not have patience, and consider everything in its simplest state and as generalized as possible. I however, have not changed. I don't think that way, nor do those I roll with. If you look into my work, you have to be prepared to think deep, or you will just confuse yourself. I know predominantly, many of my relatives frequent these pages and exploits, and often draw negative conclusions, because they base how they interpret it on their image of me as a relative and/or child. My family is not a super intimate one. While loving, we don't get to know each other's insides. However, with my transparency, the opportunity is always here for those willing to think.

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