Saturday, September 24, 2022

To Exist



  It's been quite a while since I've written here on this blog, but a topic worth writing came to mind. It regards observations that I feel are very profound in the world. The other day, when speaking to a neighbor, he stated to me and a friend that it's difficult to build reliance on many scriptural prophecies that can't be confirmed with secular evidence and documents. I expressed to him that I too struggled with that for some time in the past. But over time, what built up my faith in those accounts, was not only the events that can be confirmed in secular writings and historical findings today, and the fact that the writings of the scriptures themselves are cohesive, but also the observance in the world itself, and how the scriptures lay that out.

     There are many who are either lost in, or confused with the notion that good and evil are two equal and opposite forces. But there is actually enough evidence in the universe to disprove that. A theory that I like to propose to people confused about the counter approach to an argument, is to play it out, and project it over a vast period of time, and see where it lays. If you look at the stars and the celestial composition, there are countless cycles of breakdown and rebuilding that take place. Yet, with that considered, the cycle is based on creation. The inverse would be a process of annihilation. Don't confuse the two. It's just like the process of building muscle. You have a destructive process which results in the loss of and death of muscle ultimately, and you have the priming process which includes a preliminary breakdown, followed by an anabolic growth. 

  The forces of evil that stand in opposition to good, work on that inverse. If you projected the intent of that spectrum, you would ultimately have a universe that would have either never existed, or that would have long combusted upon itself. That's why the scriptures say to observe creation to perceived God's glory. The very designs you witness, fundamentally could not be conceived by a destructive mind, nor can they be overcome by one.

   When I transpose this theory to human relations, it's interesting to observe. I have a saying I developed over the years, "You will never find a proud demon." What that essentially means is that no matter how wicked the individual or even demons and evil forces, there is always a turning or justification that takes place at the tail end. It's interesting to see that ever present sense of justice. No matter how much there is an attempt to hide it, it's always there. There is another saying that people have used for many ages too, "No rest for the wicked." This is meant in a more general sense, that since we are all imperfect, and essentially wicked, our present state makes it impossible to have rest. While there is truth in that saying, it fundamentally goes even deeper than that.

 While everyone imperfect falls short and is "wicked", there are those who desire peace and those who desire war to put it in a grand sense. While there is a selfish nature within all humans and creatures that seeks advantage and comfort, there are those that conscienciously choose destruction in some form. And they try to convince themselves that the course has every bit the viable chance for success as does seeking peace. But even they will never completely believe that. This scales from the bully at a school to the tyrannical dictator. It is never enough. If you take a willing evildoer and a person devoid of that desire and placed them each in isolated environments, the evildoer would self destruct first in every instance. Now the term evildoer can be confusing because it would seem that it's subjectively associating a typecast with a label that is universal, but it's not being used here in its usual general sense. It doesn't mean a sinner or imperfect person. It means an individual who chooses to destroy as a path of life or approaches situations and others with malintent. And malintent can be open malice or simply the absence of good intent, where it becomes its most insidious. In cases of the latter, these individuals may honestly not see the path they're on. But the fundamental question has to be asked in all situations, "Why am I really doing this?" We tend not to ask ourselves this enough in life. 

  When one is an evil-doer in this sense, they won't have any peace, only a slow self-destruction. And it leaves them in a state where in a desperate attempt to find daily balance, a new victim must be consumed. There is the constant need to attempt to hurl the negative feelings of their path at an object or person, like hurling water out of a sinking boat- for survival. But the fight for survival is within. They are incapable of just existing within themselves. This mirrors the celestial example earlier. If the universe were founded on that principle, or if it was a principle that was even equal in power, all things would either not exist, or exist differently altogether. It's difficult to imagine.

 But then something magical happens that proves the whole theory. Something at the end of the process, which sums all of this up. That negative energy that is needed to sustain it all, has to be met with its equivalent to recharge and continue to thrive. It'll seek it out in increasing desperation. But when it can't find it, it begins to die off. If you can imagine an atomic reaction or relationship, it's as this:

  An unstable molecule seeks to maintain an unstable state. It finds other energy that is equivalent in a molecule. If the molecule is stable, it will destabilize it, to create the native environment where it can say to itself on a chemical level, "I have to be unstable, as my surrounding is unstable." If the molecule it attaches to won't destabilize, it has to find another that will, over time, or risk stabilizing itself.

   In social relationships it goes back to a proverb we all know well as kids. Our mothers and teachers would tell us if you ignore the bully, he'll go away. It's very simply stated, but essentially it covers this principle. Without the return of energy, the bully has nothing to bounce off of to justify the perpetual existence of being a bully. Over time, he is forced to stabilize, if he can't create conflict.  How bad they are determined to exist in instability is the difference between whether they allow themselves to stabilize or choose not to exist. The latter requires some kind of detachment from human nature. It happens at various stages. Goading and prodding for reaction, to blaming and incriminating the child, to even slandering them in hopes of fueling the need and justification to be the bully by enticing some return of energy. Notice that the serpent had to dress up the rebellion in Eden to look Just, before selling it to Eve. This is because wickedness is never naturally palatable, even to the wicked.

   Some people take pathetic and mundane disdain and politics, and hold them up like a chalice of eternal power, when in reality it is the most useless way you can possibly exist in the infinitesimal moment you possess. 

  But to get back to the initial subject, these are the things that actually build my faith and resolve. In school, I always had to see the practical application of a principle to appreciate it, and that's what the universe does. As I see prophecy outline and show complete accuracy, it builds on my confidence that the rest of it will play out in time. It also gives me perspective on how small the petty mundane world is in reality as well. All things today are just a blink in time.

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