Monday, October 12, 2015

Project Update

It's been quite a while. My apologies for the inconsistent content lately. I've been very busy, and struggling to work further on the album and the novel. Both will be released in the near future, perhaps early next year. I wasn't really a fan of my last post. It was a spur of the moment thing due to the debate that was online for years.

  Anyway, the novel is nearing the quarter point. I'm about 30+ pages in, and I'm not sure how much further the chapters will go, but it could be a more lengthy book than the prequel- Reminiscer. It's actually coming together even better. What I like is the fact that as you get to this point in a novel, it becomes less of a chore, because the foundation is established. I'm having a lot of ideas as well, regarding way to promote it. I'm currently learning animation in an online course, so I've had ideas about some kind of visual presentation. One thing I'm definitely trying to do more with this book, is tie it to the album. I want both of them to make more sense when put together. I don't think I did that like I wanted to in the last album. I've done a similar thing before with the play/album - I Don't Believe in Rome. That wasn't well integrated at all, but I've learned how to go about it.

  I expected to be done with the music CD part of the project by now, but I've had a couple of ideas that I needed to try out before finalizing. It's in the last stages now. I don't want to get lazy, and crop ideas off of the album, so I'm taking my time. Hopefully, there will be more to update soon. If anyone gives me ideas, maybe I can release some stuff sooner. I'm not sure how I would go about it. Maybe chapter previews or something. Stay tuned. And thank you for tuning in.

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