Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Racial Idiocy

I'm extremely disgusted with the current face of stupid, backwards, and scared racism in America. Today, they are more pathetic than they have ever been. It's like I said and observed years ago, when 50 cent revitalized the gangster rap movement. The people immitating him and idolizing him, were worse and more erratic than he was by far. The reason is that people don't know how to properly immitate. So they do the few things that stand out to them, to the extreme to compensate. Many people in school at that time, would walk around, starting  beefs and altercations, even sometimes with firearms, thinking that its exactly how he would behave, when as I've said countless times, a real gangster moves when necessary, not to demonstrate how tough his wishes he was.
 That example is a very small one, as it didn't reach the expansive level that white racism has. When I see these offspring, they are like sick and retarded, inbred vermin. They are retarded and misguided children who have no idea why they act like they do. They've told themselves that it endears them to their brethren and forefathers. I was talking to a friend of mine who notices it too and experiences it according to him. The problem is that nobody speaks on the deep aspect of it. Yeah, we acknowledge racist behavior, but it usually just ends there.

 Its amazing how stupid these people are willing to look, to do what they think is elite. They don't know a thing about me. What their beady disgusting, animalistic eyes see from a distance, makes them group me and quickly revert into thier fearful idiotic behavior. I was watching the Geraldo episode with the racists the other day- the one with the riot. The thing about that episode was that I gathered something about white racists. In the end, they are a scared people, who feel threatened by the crowding out from minorities. It has been a fear for many years. It has been discusses several times in public forums.  What do you hear as far as terminology in a coloquial sense though? They are the majority in the US and other major countries. Also, if you noticed, like I brought out in a recent blog post, today you see far more non-white minorities than ever before, who identify as pure whites, and are accepted, as long as they join the cause. Some of the minorities on that same Geraldo episode are among them.

  But I could also understand some of what the Neo Nazi's were saying on the episode. Not that I agree with them in principle, but I can respect some things about them, that completely differ from the racists I've come in contact with in the New York area. You see, the Neo Nazi's would in large part be disgraced by these people. If you go into the history books, you'll see that there were documented and photographed meetings between Marcus Garvey, who was black as night, and White Supremacists groups during his "Back to Africa" campaign. Why? Another question for you to ask yourself if you are uninformed. That's because, those groups have always been about instilling pride in their people. If they agree on a point with a minority, they have no problem voicing it. The educated ones don't lunge into violent and scared behavior the minute they see a black. They know, and anyone with sense knows, that it's only a sign of fear, incompetence, and weakness. You don't show any superiority by doing that. The idiots I've come into contact with go into convulsions when a black enters the room. No matter what, when you flip that around, I've never seen even the most racist black get that flustered when a white is around. Why? Because apparently one has something or somethings to fear, while the other doesn't. Those aren't assumptions. Do the math in your head and use sense. Why wouldn't that be the face. Have you ever seen someone break into a sweat and shiver when they gain control of a tense situation. Never even once have you.

Another problem too, is that as a society, we give these filthy animals way too much of a pass. I don't mean a pass in being a racist, but a pass in there being some legitimacy to their claims of superiority. It's like Donald Trump said about his opponent, there is plenty of subject matter to counter that stupid claim. We often mindlessly treat them like the old person in our office who we have to flatter for the sake of respect. But when that person crosses a line, it has to be addressed. They hate for a reason. That's the bottom line. For some reason, that hatred is focused on blacks. Ask yourself why. Really ask yourself why. If I enslaved a race, and see them as inferior, and they've never been in position to be anything but beneath my boot, what cause would I have to still have a seething hatred of them? You see, nobody seems to ask that question. Everyone just assumes there are just legitimate claims they have to superiority. The claims of higher intellect- debunked. The claims of better physical skill- debunked. The claims of better strategic thinking- debunked. These myths were put in place for a reason. Throughout history, these same biggots have covered up inventions, theories, sciences, and even the existence of blacks throughout the seven continents. Why? Ask yourself that. Then you look at the lie that blacks often eat up, which is that they are physically wreched compared to whites, and that whites are the standard of physical excellence. I'm not here to bash them as a race, but to expose lies.

  Military strategies, advances in technology and science, and the ability to possess a wide range of skills including writing. These are all demonstrated by a race that's advertised to be idiotic and inferior. Why? I'm going to attach a link to this blog, of a video by someone I follow on Youtube. In it, you'll here him lashing out at "blacks" for the "lie" that people have been fed about them being athletically superior. Watch how he begins to lump other minorities into the argument- a technique that I mentioned earlier in this post. I don't have a grudge against him personally. He's a boxing analyst who has been apparently agitated by some of the abrasive and stupid "black" members of the Youtube boxing community. I know where he's coming from. Personally, I know how stupid people like Dontae's Boxing Nation are and can be. Those are the kind of mindless blacks that are a disgrace themselves. However, read the comments below the video as well. Look how easily those who are on the fence when it comes to race relation issues, can often end up becoming the voice and platform for ignorant and scared racists.

  For example, one commenter went on a rant exclaiming that he thanked the poster for the video, and that he has found research showing that blacks are just scared mentally, and that they have narrower hips for moving faster and climbing faster, but whites have larger craniums for holding bigger brains and higher IQ's according to scientific findings.  Do your research and read this blog post a second time.

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