Tuesday, December 2, 2014

An Essay on Race Relations

An Essay on Race Relations

This is an essay that I’ve felt very compelled to write in recent times due to the amassed ignorance, bigotry, historical leniency, and hatred that runs all too rampant in today’s society. For years, you hear racial slurs used to deride other races, screaming above the din of reason, and you see wall erected daily to further separate people, even beyond the point of perception. In my novel, “Magnum Opus: Reminiscer,” I made mention of the race riots that occurred in Chicago and other American cities since the dawn of the countries inception. Going back to the 1960‘s, you have had cities that underwent racial reform, go completely full circle. Here we stand today, with laughable court cases such as the murders of Trayvon Martin, and  Michael Brown. I’ll briefly go into the cases so as to lay a groundwork for this discussion.

  First, we have the case of Trayvon Martin. This is a teenager in Florida who, as most children of this era, can be tied to loose behavior if analyzed enough. He’s visiting his father and his father’s girlfriend, for what couldn’t have been the first time. They live in a community with a neighborhood watch, much like many neighborhoods in this country, including the ones that I’ve lived in. The problem, is that there are undertones that lay in the hearts of the residents that will surface from time to time. A neighborhood watch advocate named George Zimmerman utilizes Florida’s free carrying laws, and holds weapons. He also happens to be on the neighborhood watch panel. He follows Trayvon home and confronts him, following him through walkways and down streets after calling emergency services and being told not to pursue. Let’s pause for a moment at this juncture. What do you make of the order to not pursue? That’s a key point that many people overlook as arbitrary, when in fact there is a reason for that command. Regardless of Florida laws, a citizen who carries, and takes on the role of a neigborhood watch person at the same time, has to realized that they are now assuming a role that is not legal for a citizen. It’s the reason cops and other governmental officers are sworn in. That right has to be earned. You don’t get to mix and match at your choosing. He disobeys, starts a confrontation, and kills Trayvon. Common sense is left to put the pieces together as far as motive, but that is usually asking to much of the public. Even the jurors realized that clearing Zimmerman of murder was wrong. Yet, they speak of their hands being tied, which leaves so many questions in itself.

 Now, we also have the murder of a Missouri teen, Michael Brown. Another so-called troubled teen who is this time, accosted by an officer. The officer’s story is beyond ridiculous, and makes Zimmerman look noble if anything. He claimed a number of different scenarios from what I recall, including that Mike controlled and assaulted him while in the vehicle, also batting him around like a bear with unbelievable power, to walking through gunshots to get to him. I felt such disgust for the people of this country while listening to that interview, being that people are somewhat skeptical, but overall do not see how outright ridiculous and fabricated the entire tale is. He sits there shivering, and making up the story as he goes along, talking to the reporter. He knows that, bottom line, he has to show no remorse for the mission he completed. He knows it, and all of racist America watching and cheering him on knows it. Even to the point of death, that must be obeyed. Even the interviewer looks on in amazement. In the end, he’s a sodier.

  I won’t get too in depth on those cases, because they paint a bigger picture. We live in a country that was pretty much built on fear and hatred. Slavers and descendents alike love to point to the bible as having slavery, as well as other countries. Yet, they fail to realize the nature is completely different as well as the motive. Racism was at the heart of American slavery. And prior to that, as well as superceding it, is self-hatred.  That’s an aspect that racists in the world are scared to accept, but the fact is that it is unavoidable. To be fair, there is a large amount of ignorance on both sides, with the supremacists being the most ignorant and animalistic.

  This all surrounds the sad fact that people don’t know their origins. From secular records and biblical records, down to what is evident to the competent today, there is evidence of common first parents. Scientists have found greater variances within races than without. Anomalies occur daily, such as traits of other races being found in one another. People brush this off as stupid coincidences and continue to hate what they are ignorant of. I’ve met a lot of historians and supremacists from different cultures and races, and what I’ve noticed is that they all miss huge facts in their blind hatred of one another. There is a dispute over the race of bible characters when the evidence is still there today. This shows you how stupid people are capable of becoming.

   Before I tangent off, I want to touch on one of the main things I want to discuss. Being blunt, I have to say there has been a conscious effort for ages to quarantine and minimize the black race. This writing isn’t to fist-pump a revolution. That is just one of the many aspects of mankind and evil’s constant attack on any unity in this world. Today we now sit in a world in the year 2015, that is as close to being segregated as it was decades ago. They talk about progress, but we seem to take one step forward, and three backwards. I was watching a documentary that my father-in-law showed me the other day. I had see some of the footage before. In it, they showed documentation and evidence of how widespread individuals with African roots spread. The bottom line is that all races cam from the Mediterranean region originally. That is where Eden was. That is where Noah was. That is where several landmarks from mankind’s beginnings were, and still are today. Yet, people shun that, and are more willing to run to tales of evolution, that are at most, crap. Looking at races in Indonesia, Italy, and several other countries, including in South Africa, there are many mixtures of races and ethnicities. I’ve known this for a long time, and I’m 29 years old. Somehow, I have become surrounded by a sea of idiots who don’t even know anything but the words black and white. My father is a descendent of Africans, Mediterraneans, and Asians. That doesn’t just blow the mind of the common fool, but even those supposedly related to me by blood. I’ve mentioned that fact before. We live in a society that has a very difficult time specifying. To make things easier, everything is sectored to an A-side, or a B-side. Heads or tails. There can be no variations. And what we see, is based off of what we socially expect.

  When I look at society today, I see an effort to isolate, in America, the black race. Now, some of my ancestors were Sicilians who migrated to Africa. When I mentioned that to a coworker of mine, guess what his response was? He said, “Yeah, I know. There are some blacks in Sicily and other countries.” And the sad thing is that his stupid response would be the response of 999 out of 1,000 people. Stupidity like that is no longer rare. It’s the commodity today. He totally misses the point. I never said my family today is Sicilian. I said ancestors- meaning natural Sicilians. I even stated plainly that they migrated TOO Africa. The thing is that society paints blacks as a simple, monkey race, that stayed caged in Africa with no variance or ingenuity, while the rest of the world advanced, mixed, and mingled. That is one of the most insulting, yet covert ideas I’ve ever seen. The sad thing, is that I’m one of the only people who sees that. And it stems, once again, from insecurity. The supremacists that built this country are afraid of their reflection. The had slaves for that very purpose, and leeched off of blacks from the beginning. Then they pretend to believe they’re superior and hate blacks, when evidence shows that they are enamored by them, and envious of them.

  My coworker is part of the sea of ignorance. I was looking at an article today about the woman who is going to review the Grand Jury ruling of the policeman who murdered Mike Brown. She’s an Indian woman who experienced racism in Europe as a child. She will apparently take a judicial position soon. In this country, that’s about all that would be allowed. If she isn’t careful, she will draw heavy fired. She has worked with similar cases in the past, and is very keen. You better believe that she won’t be allowed to make any major changes. I look at so called intellects like Hawking and I laugh a bit. Society, including the oppressed, are so brain washed. Ask yourself if you could ever see a black or brown person ever be revered as the intellect that society looks to for advice and guidance. Ask yourself if you could ever see yourself respecting a black person to that degree. If you’re honest, most of you will say no. Society has brainwashed you into looking to whites as a superior breed. I say this not to be a bigot or to speak against any race. This is just how subtle the devil is with his division tactics. When militant blacks see this, they end up becoming their enemy and behaving just as ruthlessly.  We have poets like Langston Hughes as forerunners. You will never see them go beyond being anything but an interesting jester. Never will they stand at the forefront. We’ve been conditioned to accept that a black can never lead.

 The idiocy of my coworker is conditioned in him.  See, we have a rule. You have those who are socially seen as blacks, and those who play the game and are given the asylum of being white, or what I call off-white. Those two groups operate on a safety net that keeps them from ever being put under the pressures of a biased society. And like I said earlier, socially seen has almost nothing to do with physical vision. If society looks at your image, and gets an overall perception of negro, you are nothing but a useless black who comes from nothing. It’s that simple. I don’t talk about my roots, even with family, because I’ve become aware of how ignorant the world has become. It’s pointless conversation. It’s the same reason I no longer discuss art. This is an artless world. To discuss it would be to fake a dance with a parter who feigns interest, and lacks any real knowledge of the steps. It would serve only to infuriate the artist. Italians are Mediterranean. Any real Jew, is Middle Eastern in origin. Yet, why do you see these two groups turn on blacks and play the Aryan card when convenient? Like I said, the perception has been instilled quite well by the early founding white racist bigots of the overhead society, that being at least associated with whites, is to be at the very top of humanity. And to be associated anywhere near blacks, is to be at the depths of it. Therefore, the black versus white and off-white war began. My coworker who I mentioned, is Italian. If you look at them, they clearly look olive skinned, showing their middle easter roots. In fact, you will find that most of their ancestors passed though and shared the middle east throughout history. Jews also, unless the European derivatives, are olive skinned, and show middle eastern features. This is the same region that some of my ancestors come from. Yet, there is this fear of seeing that for what it is. Do you know how many Italians I’ve watched be mistaken for Mexican or Puerto Rican? And the funny thing is that right after the mistake is corrected, they’ll go right back to calling the person white. I’m like, “Am I in the twilight zone? What just happened? How do you accidentally look like another race?” Apparently, that’s a new trick. But you try to tell me that my theory about social sight is wrong!

  When I look at the reception I’ve received over my career, it all aligns. If I was white, there is no doubt my work would be revered. Unfortunately, as I mentioned in my novel, I came along in a time where skill can’t get over. I know that what I’ve said and done over the years has had meaning. I’m not saying that my every crap was made of gold. I’m calling it as it is. When I look around and see a world where they don’t even hail depth, what does that tell me? The won’t see reason either. Nothing I’ve ever said has gotten past that front gate. That gate is a mandate that everything I say must be hated and discarded. No questions are asked. That simple and stupid mandate is just obediently obeyed. And it just may have a lot to do with race. Of course, I’m aware there are other factors, but there is also a reason you see somewhat of a contrast with the supremacists that run this country, and those who share their race in other parts of the world.  That wall of insecurity isn’t as prevalent. If you go to Germany or Denmark, you will meet caucasians who will talk about art, and talk in a straight forward conversation. That entire aura of discomfort is gone. They aren’t scrambling for their identity like the racists that ran to, and claim to have built America.

  This essay isn’t to preach reform, even though it’s needed. That is something that won’t come about in this time. However, this is to awaken the reader to what is around them. I want you to think about this writing the next time you interact in society, with a family member, or a stranger. Think about how you see them, and realize how much control the sick society heads have seized over you, and the need to get it back. Hatred is not freedom. Destruction is not freedom. That is a lie that the trapped tell themselves to continue to sleep. The other day I spoke about how many, who choose a sick and destructive lifestyle, are like drug attics chasing a moment. It’s very real. No matter how you try to bat away reason and principles, you are only, in the end, doing it for a blissful moment of rebellion. How much is that worth? Where does that stand in the stream of forever? It’s not about your will. You didn’t make the universe. The truth is like the sunrise. It’s coming no matter what. It’s sick not to embrace that beauty for what it is, and see the promise that will be.

  Normally, that line would end it, and finish like a poet or something- which I am. I’m also going to add to it that it’s sad that this most likely will be glossed over and once again stopped at the front gate of modern reason. Like most other things I’ve said, it’s subconsciously labeled nonsense and ignored. And part of the reason was discussed in this little article.  And it’s really sad, you know? Because, I don’t always go into human relation topics, but I did here, and what was said is true. Sometimes, when I finish a project, depending on how big it is in scope, I almost sit back, biting nails, on pins and needles, anxious to see the public take it in- at least I used to be that way. And each time, I’m met with disappointment, at strangers, and so-called family and friends. None seem to have the guts to attack my ideas head on and draw a conclusion, as if entertaining it bring forth some kind of deadly ostracism. I often wonder if people really do share my blood. I just don’t see it. I haven’t seen a trace of where I’m coming from. It’s always just Pariah talk. To be honest, if you read my novel, after reading this, some of the topics will become clearer. I was pleased with the finished product. Man, I was just looking at the articles about Usher’s concert the other day, and I was thinking about how mine would be. I really have respect for the few artists left who are in love with music and art. I read about how he got on the drums and took the energy through the roof, just having fun. And you people are so blown away by that, when that’s the only way the true artist knows. He wasn’t trying or tensing a muscle. He was relaxed. I would love to do something like that. I think mine would be on another level, especially since I have so much to tell. Just like him, I’d go on with no breaks probably. I think he played too many love ballads in that session. I’d like to take it everywhere. I wish more people were like me. I know that sounds vain, and it is. When I see a new and glowing artist, I love to see what he has in store. I don’t look at his name, or feel a certain way about him that I’m told. I take it in, more readily than from an established artist, because I know that, in some ways I’m getting so much more. People just can’t see that. It has to be by the rules. I’m happy not to be in chains like that. If it’s freedom, keep it. I went to a couple of concerts downtown by “nobodies,” and they were amazing.

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