Friday, March 20, 2015

Race Relations: Essay 2

This is another foray into the world of race relations. I didn't have a whole lot that I intended to say about this. However, I was definitely motivated to speak. The other day, I was reading a thread online about Muhammad Ali. In fact, it was a discussion started from a comment that I made. I find it very odd that recently, there was an article talking about celebrities with Irish heritage, that pulled several strong black figures such as Ali into the mix. This is coupled with the constant race arguments I hear at work, where Gennady Golovkin and other boxers from Eastern Europe countries being used as "White Power" enforcers. Then, the other day, a person made a comment that Kim Kardashian is one of the only white celebrities built like that. At first, I paused. Then, a short debate was started, which shocked me completely. I find it very hilarious, that today, the scope of race has changed, or shifted to a state it perhaps was in long ago. Now, in the age of Zimmerman and company, anything that is off-black, is accepted as white. Years ago, Jews and Italians were scolded as tanned skin minorites, by the controlling white supremacist hierarchy of the country. Today, it seems as if, seeing their numbers suppressed, and feeling outnumbered, there's been a gradual recruitment of sorts, as if it's an attempt to isolate the black race as some outlandish race.

 I've said it before, and will again; even if you look at it from a physical standpoint, it looks dumb to call a people who are by large, a tanned skinned and ethnic people -white; simply because they're agreeable. Suddenly, race has become based on social status and acceptance. I've heard constantly Anderson Silva, who identifies as a Brazilian descendant of slaves, referred to as non-black. And the reason is simply because he is such a high profile figure. The minute a prominent black celebrity becomes influential beyond a certain point, an attempt is made to isolate them from blacks. Even look at how Cleopatra was portrayed in the movies decades ago. In fact, there are people today, who still refuse to believe that Egypt is in Africa, simply because it houses so many prominent things that they respect.

  The sad thing is that the targets of this metamorphosis play into it often times. The reason is simply that society has been largely brain-washed to  subconsciously look at this so-called "white opinion" as the baseline for all thought. This is not to attack or berate any race. This is simply the result of malicious cowards who have wanted respect and dominance for ages. That psychological tactic has caused minorities to look down on themselves, even when they are in instances where they are the majority. It's amazing to watch. But of course, if you're Kim Kardashian, or Tiger Woods, or Kris Humphrey, or many other celebrities, you're going to play by the rules that you have been programmed to believe exist. So as far as their concerned, they are white. As long as that gets them protection and acceptance, they'll take it. Very few have the backbone to see reality. People have been taught to think, "Of course. Why wouldn't I want to trash on the filthy black race. That's what they're there for." If you're hopelessly black, you hate yourself, and accept less. If you're attached in any way to another race, and see an opportunity to be accepted, you'll spit on the black race if need be, simply because it feel like the safe thing to do.

 That's not to say that everyone does that. In fact there are a lot of mixed blacks who go the opposite route, and are afraid to acknowledge any mixed roots for fear of ostracism from the black community. That's where Tiger Woods falls in as well. He has tried to, under pressure, play the white card at times in the past. However, at the center of it all, he acknowledges his blackness. Where blacks got up in arms, is simply the fact that he embraced his other roots. They took that, in their insecurities, as him disowning them. I disagree with that immensely. It seems like individuals can't find a middle ground. Nonetheless, I find it amazing that middle eastern and Asian races are now considered white. As more Zimmerman crimes are committed, and black lives treated as less and less, expect to see more osmosis of the races to the opposite direction. And it's sad, because race should not even be an issue. Inside of the human races, all colors and nationalities came from one source. Science has found that there are greater variances within races than there are outside of them. Yet this tells people nothing in their blind nonsense. I always shake my head when I see Jewish people, who were supposedly oppressed and killed numerous times in history, go off on racist white-power kicks. That's the crap that is facilitated by the times. I've seen Asian's look down on and mistreat blacks with Asian roots, completely unaware, simply because they think that behavior gets them a good seat at the almighty White table. It's pathetic. That's very much at the heart of the Zimmerman murder, and it all stems from people who lack self esteem leaving their homeland and seeking to conquer those they admire.

  That is the gist  of what was on my mind regarding that topic over the last few days. Anyway, until next time.

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